Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hillary stood by her man.

At least Hillary stood by her husband - through all the troubles he wouldn't have had if he'd stayed single.

Hillary Clinton's wrinkles?

I don't know about Hillary Clinton's wrinkles, but she is beginning to look like a tea bag - one can't tell how strong she is until she gets into hot water.

Archbishop Rowan Williams

So the Archbishop sees Sharia Law as having a rose coloured tint to it. Huh, I reckon he's looking at it through stained glass spectacles!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Graffiti: writing on the scrawl.

The Australian Newspaper's "First byte" blog

Why does Prime Minister Kevin Rudd think it necessary to hold a brainstorming summit conference? Doesn't he read our bloody contributions in The Australian Newspaper's "First byte" blog?